Tag Archives: Economics Study Group

p. 325 – The Case Administration, 1942-1962

Reid Athletic Center, A1000-61, p325

The Washington Study Group, sponsored by the Political Science Department since 1935, was resumed in 1947. The Economics Department first made available a similar opportunity with the inauguration of a study program in Manchester, New Hampshire, in 1950 under the direction of Professor Frank A. Farnsworth, ’39; subsequently others were conducted in Knoxville,Tennessee; Atlanta, Georgia; Norway (1960); and England (1962 to the present). The first Colgate foreign study group was that which went to Argentina in 1958 with James F. Dickinson, ’39, of the Romance Languages Department as director.

New facilities and techniques for language instruction were provided in 1953 with the installation in Lawrence Hall of a language laboratory, the gift of Frank J. Stoner. Designed by Professor Charles

Dodge, Eaton, and Kendrick houses, A1000-49, Folder 2, p325