Category Archives: p. 320

p. 320 – The Case Administration, 1942-1962

Veteran's Housing, A1000-69, Folder 6, p320    Veteran's Housing, A1000-69, Folder 5, p320


January, 1943, was appointed Assistant Dean for the civilian group, and later succeeded by Dr. Paul S. Jacobsen, ’27, of the Political Science Department. Civilian and military students together published the Maroon and Banter. The latter temporarily lost its character as a humor magazine to take on some of the features of a yearbook in lieu of the Salmagundi which did not appear. Members of both groups under Dr. Daniels’ direction staged some noteworthy dramatic productions.

With the release of men from the service at the war’s end the University faced the problem of accommodating a greatly expanded student body in excess of 1,300, a large proportion of them veterans. Dr. George H. Estabrooks of the Psychology Department became Director of Veterans’ Affairs and Dr. James A. Storing of Political Science, Director of Studies for Veterans. George Werntz, Jr., returned from the Navy to resume his duties as Director of Admissions. Many of the faculty members who had been on leave in the armed services or in government positions were back in the classroom and additional staff had to be recruited. An office to assist veterans in obtaining employment was opened in New York City under the supervision of Dr. Clifford E. (Woody) Gates, ’15, Professor of German.

Administrative innovations of the Case period included making