Category Archives: p. 247

Merrill House is built (p. 247)

admirably fitted for entertaining which the President and his wife had intended.

Taylor Lake and the Willow Path, which are among the most distinctive features of the Colgate landscape, may be said to date from 1905 though early in the ’90’s Professor Taylor had begun to drain the swamp area between the foot of the Hill and the Academy and convert it into a lake. Gifts from Hendrick S. Holden of Syracuse enabled him to bring his plans to fruition. Under the immediate supervision of the faithful Lant Gilmartin, a crew of Irish workers, armed with shovels and horse-drawn scoops, dug out the wet clay and spread it along a path over a sewer pipe which connected the Academy with the campus sanitation system. To relieve the bareness of the resulting embankment Dr. Taylor planted golden Russian willows, an